
About Us


(Registered Under Registration Act, 1908)


1. National Achievers Recognition Forum is involved mainly in the National and International Economic Growth issues. World Peace & the Intellectual activities in order to develop social and cultural cooperation between our progressive people and of other countries.

2. The Forum is partnership of business, professionals and other representatives of the Indian community to define and discuss the key issues on the Indian economic agenda.

3. The Forum will acquire necessary assets and

equipment so that it can efficiently perform its

duties in research and development of Trade,

Industry, Health & Education.

4. The Forum has been instrumental to conduct National & International seminars and conferences on various economics issues and topics. These seminars have been organized on various economic issues and topics. These seminars have been attended by Ministers, senior bureaucrats & Ambassadors from many countries and also individuals and organizations from various economics fields. These seminars 

have attempted to deliberate on the development issues of the national economy and international corporation. 

5. The Forum has formed Expert Committee such as the awards Selection Committee, Economic Research Committee, Corporate Performance Committee, and also Other Committee are planned in order to carry out various function of National Achievers Recognition Forum.

6. The Forum will appoint Honorary people to carry out the main objectives of promotion of above areas

7. The Forum will be organizing health camps and hold conferences on Trade, Health & Education, Industry.


The Forum will be managed be a Governing Body consisting of the following set up.

1. President

2. Secretary

3. Treasurer

4. Executive Members 2

5. Advisory Board-7


The Forum will hold Seminars in various places and present awards to persons/ organisations selected try the award committee. The award consists of Memento , Gold Medal and a certificate of excellence


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